5 Reasons To Go On A Yoga Retreat During A Divorce

Posted on: 29 April 2016


Going through a divorce, even when you know it's the best choice for both parties, is incredibly stressful and disruptive. In fact, experts routinely cite divorce as one of the top most stressful life events, ranking up there with the death of a loved one and major illness. While you are probably busy dealing with the logistics and paperwork of a divorce, taking a week away to go on a yoga retreat is actually the perfect thing to do for yourself during this time. Here are five great reasons why:

Yoga is the Ultimate Act of Self Care

In order to get through difficult times with your sanity and health intact, it's crucial to take good care of yourself. Yoga has many proven benefits, including strengthening your core muscles and arms, lowering stress, helping you to sleep better, reducing symptoms of depression, and even lowering blood pressure.

Divorce can be incredibly rough on your mental and physical health which is why practicing good self care in the form of yoga is such a good idea. And since most yoga retreats cater to people at every experience yoga level (including complete beginners), you can experience these self care benefits even if you're brand new to yoga.

A Beautiful New Setting will Invigorate You

Yoga retreats can be found around the world, typically in warm, tropical, scenic locations on a beach. When going through a difficult life event like divorce you can start to feel overwhelmed and like the walls are closing in on you. Spending some time in a beautiful setting will give you new perspective, remind you that life can be fun and exciting even during hard times, and allow you to explore a new locale and have an adventure. Creating new memories in a gorgeous setting can help make the bad memories from the end of your marriage feel less potent.

You Will Meet Like-minded People

The loss of a major relationship like marriage can leave a huge void in your life. Plus, oftentimes when people divorce they end up losing friendships (with your ex's family and people who were their friends first, for example) which can contribute to feeling isolated and lonely. Going on a yoga retreat is a great way to meet new people who are also interested in yoga, natural health, travel, and new experiences.

This can help you to feel like your divorce is a new beginning, rather than just an ending. When you get back from your retreat, you can keep in touch with these new friends and even plan visits.

You Will Eat Healthy, Delicious Meals

Most yoga retreats come with completely catered meals and snacks as part of your package. The professionally-prepared food will be healthy, nutritious, tasty, and designed to give you a feeling of energy and vitality. Having someone prepare all your meals for you for a short time can make you feel taken care of and pampered at a time when you truly need it.

You Will Return Home with a New Mindset

The benefits of a yoga retreat often linger long after you return home. As you continue to plow through the necessary practical, financial, and emotional work of your divorce, you will be bolstered by your new found attitude. You will most likely feel motivated to continue taking good care of yourself, eating healthy, and making yoga a part of your daily routine. Plus, you will be able to focus on your new friendships and your travel memories, instead of ruminating solely on your divorce.

By going on a yoga retreat during this difficult life transition, you will help yourself feel much better both emotionally and physically.